Axia Cert

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ISO 22301

ISO 22301

ISO 22301

//Business Continuity Management System

ISO 22301
ISO 22301

Certification by AXIA CERT

The certification of an organization/business according to the ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management
standard confirms that the requirements of the respective standard have been met. The standard emphasizes
on the importance of establishing procedures for the uninterrupted operation and continuity of organizations
from risks that may be disruptive. At the very least, an organization, regardless of its type, size or nature, must
identify risks, address threats and seize opportunities to ensure business continuity.
An organization/business, after a successful assessment by the Independent Certification Body AXIA CERT,
receives an ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management Certificate. Customer confidence is increased,
business continuity is ensured and added VALUE is gained, which is undoubtedly a great competitive
The Management Systems Certification Body AXIA CERT is accredited by the Hellenic Accreditation System
(E.SY.D.), for the certification of Business Continuity Systems ISO 22301:2019. With the accreditation, it
demonstrates the required independence and impartiality.

The application and accreditation with the international standard ISO 22301, offers:
– Identification of risks that may cause unexpected conditions
– Protection and reduction of the likelihood of downtime events occurring
– Response and recovery with flexibility of operation at agreed time levels
– Increased customer confidence
– Ensure continuous and uninterrupted operation
– Added Value as an undeniable competitive advantage
– Protection of the reputation and overall profit of the organizations
– Competitive advantage in new and demanding markets that require proof of business continuity
– Reduction in costs and insurance premiums in the event of business interruption.

ISO 22301:2019 specifies the requirements for the development of a Business Continuity Management System in an organization. These include the design, creation, implementation, operation, monitoring, review, maintenance and continuous improvement of a documented System. The primary purpose of the System is to protect against, reduce the likelihood of, prepare for, respond to and recover from incidents that may cause business interruption. The Business Continuity Management System helps a business to adopt Contingency Plans and take appropriate action. Even if the incident is catastrophic an effective plan will be able to recover and get the business back to normal operations, protecting its reputation and customers. When the organization/business implements and maintains systematic processes to analyze business impact and disruption risks, it can continue operations with the least possible impact on itself and its customers in an emergency. Certification promotes confidence in transactions between the business and its customers and maintains its market share.